Cold Brew, patience, cicadas
Firstly lets talk about how incredibly easy it is to make cold brew and have it available 24-7. Simply place 8oz of your favorite Coffee Junkie course ground coffee, mine is Nutty Butterscotch Toffee, in a paper coffee filter or muslin bag and tie it with a twist tie or string. Place the fresh roasted gloriousness in a 1gallon pitcher filled with filtered water and put it in the fridge for 12-24 hours. Voila, cold brew in the morning. Organic coffee, no sugar and no calories until you add a little half and half cream the way I like it. That’s as close to perfect as damn is to swearing, as my Dad would say!
Patience. A few blog posts ago I said I had gotten rid of a toxic relationship in my life. I spoke too soon.
Maybe another blog post I will explain how I got into the rental kitchen business in the first place but for now this company (I won’t name or he might take me back to court again!) skipped out in the middle of the night, leaving my commercial kitchen a disaster and owing me a lot of rent.
It took almost 2 years to get to small claims court and to be resolved, at least that’s what I thought back in May. The small claims court judge ruled in my favor and I was to be paid $3400 of the $8000 filed. I was happy but when asked how I was to collect this money, since he was so good at paying while he rented, the judge said I would likely have to hire a lawyer. Of course!
He appealed the small claims decision and now I am being sued. In order for him to take this case to the next level he had to put up a bond for twice the small claims case so $6800. This company actually asked for a jury trial…omg? Up to this point I had no legal fees and we are now in the middle of June.
We were forced to mediate. 4 hours sitting in a room rehashing all of it. I wouldn’t agree to pay him $ but I would agree to walk away with the same settlement granted at small claims. He said no, so it’s on to court and more legal fees. Because he requested a trial with a jury we had to prepare for court as if I was on Law and Order. Oh dear God!
June 24 we are first on the docket. We go into the courtroom to find no jury, phew! Someone clearly realized how ridiculous this whole case was. We wait and wait…He doesn’t show! We still have to state our case and justify legal fees. After a 15 minute trial this judge awarded me with $8000 and half of the legal fees which guess what? After I pay my lawyer I will walk away with $3400. Such a waste of money, community resources but most importantly my time!
My belly laugh…
Bandit is senile, almost blind, and let’s just say, a dog of little brain. About 2 years ago Bandit discovered cicada bugs. He loved the hunt but once in his mouth, still buzzing, he wasn’t sure! The first time I literally had to open his mouth and let the bug out. Then he learned to spit them out by himself but now… he eats them. Walks have turned into a cicada hunt. He can’t see them but he sure can smell them. They can’t be too dead then he doesn’t even notice. He weaves in front of me checking everything on the sidewalk, making it very easy to trip over him. Just this morning, I tripped over him and am sitting on the ground. Bandit walks up with a cicada in his mouth as if to say “oh so sorry mum but I got one…see? Can I eat it, can I, can? Crunch…crunch…crunch!”
Hi do you have samples of the cold brew and vanilla bean coffee?